Resources for Individuals
Will Telling People About Your Redundancy Damage Your Job Search?
Some people worry that telling people about the fact that their position was made redundant will somehow affect their job search chances. The reality is this shouldn’t be the case and certainly doesn’t have to be!!
Redundancy is the new normal. It’s not a term that should be whispered or explained away.
Today redundancy is common. In fact many people I speak with say it’s an event they expect to occur in their career at some point.
In today’s global markets, companies need to be agile. Being competitive requires continually adapting and restructuring to align with market trends, technology innovations and opportunities. This means a workforce hallmarked by contingent workers, projects teams and reoccurring restructures.
Read Also: Redundancy Survival Tips for the First Week
The good news is as downsizing and workforce change becomes part of business as usual, employers have changed their perceptions of redundancy. In the workplace of the past, where people worked their lives with one company, the term redundancy was avoided at interview or spoken discreetly about with others often with some feelings of shame or guilt.
This need no longer be the case. Almost all employers will have experienced the difficulties of needing to make tough decisions about workforce reductions or restructures. Employers today realise that redundancy is sometimes just good business practice, albeit terrible to have to do. Equally almost everyone you speak with in your network will have either been affected by redundancy personally or have a family member or peer who has. People will relate.
For some people redundancy can even be a point of pride as they move into an organisation solving dysfunction or a problem with the ultimate aim leaving the organisation without the need to maintain the role.
If you are affected by a redundancy the following are a few tips for communicating the news with others.
- Check Your Mindset. Remind yourself that whilst redundancy feels personal, it is actually a business decision and not a reflection on your performance. True redundancies occur when the role no longer exists in its current form. Even if you suspect there was a personal element usually a genuine business decision will have underpinned this.
- Check Your Language. Make sure your language reflects your mindset. When telling other people about your change, be sure to say “my position” was made redundant, not “I” was made redundant. It's a small detail but says a lot.
- Put Your Mental and Verbal Focus on the Positive. The people who are the most successful in making a positive transition to a new role are typically those that have moved forward mentally. Make the decision to reflect on your achievements in the role. Invest your energies in documenting and celebrating these, rather than letting your energies and focus be drained away by lamenting the past. A focus on your achievements and the enjoyable challenges and aspects of your past role, along with a fresh outlook for the future will enable you to present positively when networking and in interviews. Conversely being caught up in the hurt and negativities of a past situation can visibly damage your interview success chances.
Redundancy is no longer a dirty word, it’s part of a normal career. Like a new clothing item, it’s how you wear it that counts. Set your own mindset correctly and this will show in your words and actions, and you can move forward with confidence.